Complaints Procedure:
A complaint usually relates to dissatisfaction about a commissioned or directly provided service.
A complaint can be submitted about any of the following:-
- An action or omission which is against the choices and wishes of a patient;
- The way in which care, treatment or service has been provided, or withheld from a patient;
- Discrimination against a patient;
- The lack of access to, or provision of a particular service;
- Attitude or behaviour of staff;
- The financial element of a particular treatment, intervention or equipment
This list is not exhaustive; it is an indication of the nature of potential complaints.
Concerns and complaints may be made by a patient, their representative, or any persons who are affected by or likely to be affected by the action, omission or decision of OSDH.
A complaint may be made by a person acting on behalf of a patient in any case where that person:-
- Is a child (an individual who has not attained the age of 18);
- Has died;
- Has physical or mental incapacity;
- Has given consent to a third party acting on their behalf;
- Has delegated authority to act on their behalf, for example in the form of a registered Power of Attorney which must cover health affairs;
- Is an MP, acting on behalf of and by instruction from a constituent.
If you feel you wish to raise a concern, make a complaint or provide us with a compliment, we would kindly ask that you bring this to the attention of a member of staff as soon as possible, who will be happy to assist you with the process.
Staff will make every effort to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible. If your concerns are not resolved to your satisfaction, you will be advised how to make a formal written complaint and be given a copy of this procedure.
There are several ways that you can report a concern, formal complaint or compliment.
1. Click this link which will take you to an online form to record your complaint, concern or compliment on. This form is held on our secure servers.
2. Send an email with your feedback to the Patient Feedback Team at the address below, or email
OSD Healthcare
One Medical House
Boundary Way,
Hemel Hempstead,
3. If you prefer to call us and let us know of your concern or complaint, please contact the OSD Healthcare Enquiries Team on telephone 01442 331 900. They will make a comprehensive note of the issues you would like to raise and they will forward this to the Patient Feedback Team.
The complaints process has 3 stages.
- Stage 1 Local Resolution
- Stage 2 Complaint Review
- Stage 3 Independent External Adjudication
Every effort will be made to ensure our investigations are thorough yet proportionate with a commitment to try to resolve your concerns at Stage 1.
Stage 1 – Local resolution
Your complaint will be acknowledged in writing within three (3) working days (excluding weekends and bank holidays) of receiving the complaint, unless a full reply can be sent to you within five (5) working days.
Where a complaint has been made on behalf of another person and consent is required, we will write to the patient complainant to seek their consent and supporting documents, where relevant. You have the right to seek independent or legal advice regarding your complaint where any aspect of your complaint might give rise to a clinical negligence claim. The intention to seek legal advice does not stop the complaints process. In cases where a legal claim is made then those aspects of the complaint that are central to the legal claim (i.e. clinical negligence and issues of causality) cannot be responded to in this process however, any other elements of the complaint can still be investigated via this procedure.
The process we will follow after an acknowledgement is sent is:-
An Investigation Lead will be allocated to review and manage the complaint, they will contact the complainant to:
- Agree on who will receive the response;
- Discuss with the complainant the preferred way to receive their response;
- Establish if there are any special requirements that need to be considered as part of the investigation;
- Agree with the complainant what the issues are that to be investigated;
- Importantly the complainant will be provided with the name of the Investigation Lead and contact details should they wish to contact the Investigator at any stage of the investigation.
If the Investigation Lead has been unsuccessful in contacting the complainant after every attempt on more than one occasion or, they have indicated that they do not wish to be contacted by telephone, the Investigation Lead will email or write to the complainant to outline:-
- Their name, role and contact details should they wish to get in touch at any point during the investigation;
- Their understanding of the issues of the complaint;
- How the issues will be investigated;
- Who they will liaise with during the investigation
The aim of our investigation will be to:-
- Apologise where we have got something wrong;
- We will put the complainant at the centre of our investigation;
- We will be open and accountable, giving you a clear and honest explanation of our findings;
- Our investigation will be proportionate to the seriousness of the complaint;
- We will seek to put things right;
- We will always seek to identify lessons learnt and recommendations to support quality improvement.
Upon completion of the investigation, you will receive a full written response within twenty (20) working days (excluding weekends and bank holidays) of the complaint being received.
If a full response cannot be given within the above time frame, OSD Healthcare will write to you to explain the reason for the delay. You will receive a full written response within five (5) days of a conclusion being reached. Regular reviews of complaints are conducted to ensure that we learn from issues raised and to inform continuous improvement, adapting our processes and services in line with our patients’ expectations.
If you are not satisfied with the response within 6 months you can request a complaint review.
Stage 2 – Complaint review
If you request a complaint review, a Director of OSD Healthcare will review your complaint, the investigation documentation and may interview staff involved to form an independent view on the handling of the complaint.
Your request for a complaint review will be acknowledged in writing within three (3) working days (excluding weekends and bank holidays) of receiving the request unless a full reply can be sent to you within five (5) working days.
You will be offered the option of a confidential meeting and informed of the name of the Director who will be conducting the complaint review. Upon completion of the complaint review you will receive a full written response within twenty (20) working days (excluding weekends and bank holidays) of the request being received.
If a full response cannot be given within the above time frame, OSD Healthcare will write to you to explain the reason for the delay. You will receive a full written response within five (5) days of a conclusion being reached.
If you are not satisfied with the response, within 6 months you can request Independent External Adjudication.
Stage 3 – Independent external adjudication
If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of the review by a Director of OSD Healthcare, you have the right to request an independent external adjudication of the complaint. This can be done by contacting one of the following within 25 working days of receiving the Directors final letter.
For private patients:
Independent Healthcare Sector Adjudication Service
70, Fleet Street
Tel: 020 7536 6091
Independent Adjudicators are independently appointed from outside the ISCAS and its membership. We would recommend that you ensure you are aware of the principles relating to the independent external adjudication procedure which are detailed in the ISCAS ‘A Guide for Patients’.
For NHS patients:
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Millbank Tower, 30,
Tel: 0345 015 4033
If you require assistance with writing your complaint, there is information to support you on the ISCAS website or we would be happy to give you a copy of their ‘A Guide for Patients’. Other organisations who are able to help you with writing a complaint are:-
The Patients Association
PO Box 935
Helpline Tel: 0845 608 4455
Helpline Email:
Citizen’s Advice Bureau (CAB)
Dacre House
19 Hillfield Road
Hemel Hempstead
Tel: 03444 111 444
You also have a right to notify your concerns to the Care Quality Commission (CQC) the organisation that regulates OSD Healthcare as an independent healthcare provider, however, please be aware that they will not investigate an individual complaint but may use the information to inform their inspection regime. Their contact details are:-
Care Quality Commission (CQC)
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tel: 03000 616161
Click here to view our Raising a Concern or Complaint Leaflet.
Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF)
The Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) is the new way that healthcare providers look at patient safety incidents. At OSD Healthcare we are dedicated to embedding a culture of patient-centred care and transparency. Our mission is simple yet profound: to proactively address safety incidents, promote rapid response, and facilitate continuous improvement in patient care.
PSIRF serves as a comprehensive incident response framework designed to empower patients and healthcare providers alike. Through our collaborative efforts, we strive to create an environment of trust and confidence, where patients can feel assured that their safety concerns are taken seriously and addressed with urgency. Our approach is built on principles of accountability, communication, and quality assurance, ensuring that every patient receives the highest standard of care.
Central to our framework is the notion of empowerment. We believe in empowering patients by providing them with the tools and resources they need to actively participate in their own safety. Whether it’s reporting an incident, seeking resolution, or advocating for change.
At OSD Healthcare, we are committed to continuous improvement, constantly refining and enhancing our framework to adapt to the evolving needs of patients and healthcare systems. Together, we can build a safer, more responsive healthcare environment where every patient’s voice is heard and valued.
Your safety matters to us, and we are here to ensure that you receive the care and support you deserve.
At OSD Healthcare, we firmly believe in empowering patients to actively participate in their own safety and advocate for improvements in healthcare.
Our PSIRF framework equips patients with the tools and knowledge they need to engage meaningfully in the incident response process, by providing support and guidance throughout the review process.
PSIRF ensures that patients’ voices are heard and valued. We encourage patients to share their experiences, concerns, and suggestions, knowing that their input plays a crucial role in driving positive change.
By empowering patients to take an active role in their safety, we strive to develop a culture of collaboration and accountability within healthcare systems, ultimately leading to safer and more responsive care for all.
Please click the link below to find out more about how OSD Healthcare will engage with patients and families following a patient safety incident.
At OSD Healthcare we invite you to become a Patient Safety Partner and join us in our mission to enhance healthcare safety and quality.
As a Patient Safety Partner, you play a vital role in the incident response process, bringing your unique perspectives, insights, and experiences to the forefront. Whether you’ve encountered a safety incident first hand or are passionate about driving positive change in healthcare, there are various ways to get involved.
You can participate in sharing feedback on improvement initiatives or advocating for patient-centred policies and practices.
By becoming a Patient Safety Partner, you contribute to a culture of transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement in healthcare, helping to shape a safer and more responsive environment for patients and providers alike.
Together, we can make a meaningful difference in patient safety outcomes and pave the way for a brighter future in healthcare.
If you are interested in becoming a Patient Safety Partner at OSD Healthcare, please contact the Governance team:
- Email
- Write to us at:
Governance Team
OSD Healthcare
One Medical House
Boundary Way
Hemel Hempstead